07. avg 2024.

Women Press Freedom Condemns Government Smear Campaign Against Tamara Skrozza

Women Press Freedom offers its full support to FoNet journalist Tamara Skrozza, who is facing a coordinated defamation campaign from media outlets closely linked to the Serbian government. Allegations claim that Skrozza supported the assassination of senior Serbian officials during the uprising against former President Slobodan Milosevic. Government minister Dejan Ristic has received criticism for allegedly backing the smear campaign against the journalist. This recent attack is part of a trend of harassment and defamation by pro-government tabloids, with similar incidents targeting her in 2018 and 2016. Skrozza intends to take legal action against the media responsible for spreading these falsehoods. We strongly condemn Minister Ristic's actions and reject the unfounded accusations against Skrozza. We call for a public apology and accountability from those involved in the campaign against the journalist.

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Journalist Tamara Skrozza has been targeted by pro-government tabloids and broadcasters, including TV Pink, which have distorted her past remarks to suggest that she advocated for violence against politicians, including President Aleksandar Vucic.

The accusations against Skrozza claim she promoted the assassination of senior Serbian officials during the resistance against former President Slobodan Milosevic.

Serbian Information and Telecommunication Minister Dejan Ristic is also facing substantial criticism from Serbian journalists’ associations for his apparent support of the smear campaign against Skrozza

A press release from Ristic insinuated that Skrozza’s statements hinted at regret over the survival of certain state figures amidst the chaotic events of October 2000, known as the Bulldozer Revolution, which resulted in the ousting of Milosevic from power.

Skrozza has expressed intentions to pursue legal action against the media outlets responsible for defamation. This latest episode of targeted attacks against her underscores a pattern of harassment and vilification by tabloids dating back to previous incidents in 2018 and 2016. The ongoing controversy underscores the delicate balance between media freedom and governmental accountability in Serbia’s evolving landscape.

Women Press Freedom has diligently monitored and documented the swift deterioration of press freedom in Serbia in the past few years. We are troubled by the continuous use of SLAPPs and the efforts of government officials to undermine journalists, highlighting our concern about the future of independent journalism in the country.

Women Press Freedom unequivocally supports Tamara Skrozza and denounces the malicious efforts by pro-government media to tarnish her reputation. We fully endorse her decision to pursue legal recourse against those responsible for targeting her. We call for Minister Dejan Ristic to be held accountable for endorsing such egregious behavior, which aids in establishing a perilous pattern of persecuting and endangering journalists. It is crucial that journalists have the freedom to question authority without fear of reprisal. The culture of impunity in Serbia must be eradicated.

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