22. mar 2018.

Bela knjiga Vlade Srbije: Vrh komande operativne zone “Šalja” OVK odgovoran za ubistvo Kneževića

U dokumentima Jedinice za nestala lica UNMIK-a za nestanak Ljubomira Kneževića, novinara prištinskog “Jedinstva” i dopisnika “Politike”, sa sumnjom za umešanost u zločin pominju se dve osobe: B. S. i M. S, “očigledno povezane sa OVK”. U policijskom dosijeu UNMIK-a dodatno se sugeriše još devetoro mogućih osumnjičenih, koje je u zahtevu za proširenje istrage navela advokatkinja Stoja Đuričić, a koja je zastupala oštećene u procesu protiv bivšeg komandanta OVK Ganija Imerija iz Vučitrna.

Ipak, ni u ovim spisima UNMIK-a nema podataka o pokušaju policije da pronađe te osobe i sa njima razgovora.

U nastavku pročitajte ovaj tekst na engleskom jeziku.
Please find below the english translation of this article.

– UNMIK nije uradio ništa da sprovede istragu, sa zabrinutošću konstatuje Savetodavna komsija za ljudska prava koja takođe postoji u okviru UNMIK-a, u mišljenju od 14. februara 2014. godine dostavljenom Ljubomirovom sinu Goranu.

Komisija preporučuje UNMIK-u da traži od EULEKS-a i drugih nadležnih organa da se krivična istraga nastavi, a porodice dočekaju pravdu. To je bio prvi i poslednji put da je, 15 godina posle nestanka, porodica Knežević čula za istragu.

Preuzeto sa uns.org.rs

Prethodno, porodica Ljubomira Kneževića nezvanično je dobila informaciju da je njihov otac i suprug držan u logoru Ćićevac, ali osim toga ništa više. Podaci srpskih službi bezbednosti iz Bele knjige povezuju trojicu iz vrha komande operativne zone “Šalja” OVK (predeo Kosovske Mitrovice, Vučitrna, Obilića, Zubinog Potoka i Leposavića) sa nestankom, ali i kako tvrde, ubistvom Ljubomira Kneževića. U ovoj zoni komandovao je i Gani Imeri.

Za kidnapovanje Kneževića u Beloj knjizi Vlade Srbije „Albanski terorizam i organizovani kriminal na Kosovu i Metohiji“ iz septembra 2003. godine sumnjiče se Hisni Ahmeti zvani His, Met i Bekim Šuti zvani Niku.

Bekim Šuti bio je komandant specijalne jedinice od 40 članova, za koju se kaže da je kidnapovala našeg kolegu.

– Knežević je odveden u štab u selu Ošljani gde je mučen, a potom i ubijen – navodi se u Beloj knjizi.

Hisni Ahmeti je bio “deo grupe koja je na sitničkom mostu u Vučitrnu kidnapovala Kneževića, koji je nakon višednevnog fizičkog zlostavljanja ubijen”. Met Šuti se takođe navodi kao učesnik u krivičnom delu.

Sva trojica su se po dolasku međunarodnih snaga preselila u vrh komande Kosovskog zaštitnog korpusa. Prema saznanjima UNS-a, nikada nisu ispitivani.

Slobodan Milošević, bivši predsednik Jugoslavije, unakrsno ispitujući svedoka, kosovskog Albanca, pred Tribunalom u Hagu upitao je za ubistvo Kneževića.

Tragajući za izvorom ove informacije, UNS se obratio Udruženju građana “Sloboda” koje je bilo aktivno uključeno u odbranu Slobodana Miloševića i koja raspolaže dokumentacijom odbrane iz Haga.

Ipak, oni u arhivi nemaju podatak kakve se činjenice kriju iza Miloševićevog pitanja. Kažu “bivši predsednik je dobijao informacije sa raznih strana”.

Kada je nestao, Ljubomir Knežević je imao 60 godina i već je imao unuke. Na Đurđevdan, 6. maja 1999. otišao je na slavu porodice Laketić koja je živela tri kilometra od centra grada, u blizini železničke stanice.

Otišao je i da bi napisao novinarski tekst. Knežević je kući pešice krenuo oko 6 popodne i od tada mu se gubi svaki trag.

UNMIK policija nije ni pokušala da razgovara sa Laketićima.

– Pošto su ga poslednji videli živog, mogli su barem da kažu kojim putem je Knežević išao. To bi pomoglo da se utvrdi gde se dogodila navodna otmica i ukaže na druge potencijalne svedoke – ističe Savetodavna komsija za ljudska prava UNMIK-a. Ali, niko nije pitao.


U godišnjem izveštaju policije UNMIK za 2000. godinu, navodi se da je do kraja te godine UNMIK policija imala potpunu istražnu vlast u regionu Mitrovice.

– Očigledan izostanak bilo kakve hitne reakcije policije UNMIK-a i adekvatnih radnji u kasnijim fazama mogao je da ukaže počiniocima da nadležni organi nisu mogli ili nisu bili voljni da istraže takva krivična dela. Takav stav nadležnih organa prema najozbiljnijim zločinima u bilo kom društvu, a naročito u okolnostima nakon sukoba, neminovno stvara kulturu nekažnjivosti među počiniocima zločina i može samo da dovede do pogoršanja situacije. Problemi sa kojima se UNMIK susreo na početku svoje misije, ne opravdavaju takvu neaktivnost – još jedan je od zaključaka Savetodavne komisije za ljudska prava UNMIK-a.

Misija EULEKS, koja je preuzela istagu svih krivičnih dela, devet godina svog mandata tvrdila je da nema nikakvih informacija o kidnapovanju Ljubomira Kneževića.

UNS je još došao do saznanja da se ovaj predmet nalazio u sudu u Mitrovici i to predočio EULEKS-u.

Posle toga, EULEKS je obavestio UNS da su odluke iz UNMIK-a koje se odnose na slučaj Knežević prosleđene toj misiji i drugim nadležnim vlastima 2014. godine sa zahtevom da se preduzmu svi mogući koraci kako bi se osigurao nastavak istrage.

EULEKS je UNS-u još obrazložio da UNMIK dokumentaciju iz istrage “nikada nije zvanično ‘preneo’ tužiteljima EULEKS-a, već samo kopiju mišljenja Savetodavne komisije”.

Od 2014. godine, zbog promene nadležnosti, novi predmeti ustupani lokalnom tužilaštvu, stoji u dopisu EULEKS-a UNS-u.

Slučaj kidnapovanja Ljubomira Kneževića sada je u Specijalnom tužilaštvu Kosova. Njegovu porodicu i dalje niko ne kontaktira.

Prvi tekst UNS-a o istraživanju nestanka novinara „Politike“ Ljubomira Kneževića: „Istraga nestanka novinara Ljubomira Kneževića: Zastrašivani svedoci, smenjeni tužilac i sudija“ pročitajte OVDE.


The White Book of the Government of Serbia: Top of the command of the operational zone „Shala“ of the KLA responsible for the murder of Mr. Knezevic

Two persons: B. S. and M. S, „apparently connected with the KLA“, are mentioned in the documents of the UNMIK Missing Persons Unit under suspicion of involvement in the crime of the disappearance of Mr. Ljubomir Knezevic, the journalist of the Pristina „Jedinstvo“ and the correspondent of „Politika“.

In the police file of UNMIK, additional nine suspects are suggested, in connection with the request for the extension of the investigation led by lawyer Stoja Djuricic, who represented the defendants in the process against former KLA commander Gani Ymeri from Vucitrn.

However, even in these UNMIK files there is no information about police attempts to find those people and interview them.

– UNMIK did not do anything to conduct an investigation, the Human Rights Advisory Panel (part of UNMIK) notes with concern, in opinion dated February 14, 2014, and delivered to Ljubomir’s son Goran.

The commission recommends that UNMIK request from EULEX and other competent authorities to continue the criminal investigation, while families are waiting for justice. It was the first and last time that, in 15 years after the disappearance, the Knezevic family heard about the investigation.

Previously, the family of Ljubomir Knezevic was unofficially informed that their father and husband were held in the Ćićevac camp, but nothing more in addition. The data from the Serbian security services from the White Book link three of the top members of the KLA operational area „Shala“ (region of Kosovska Mitrovica, Vucitrn, Obilic, Zubin Potok and Leposavic) with the disappearance, but also they claim, with the murder of Mr. Ljubomir Knezevic. Gani Ymeri was also a commander in this zone.

For Knizevic’s kidnapping in the White Book of the Government of Serbia titled  „Albanian Terrorism and Organized Crime in Kosovo and Metohija“ and published in September 2003, the suspects are Hisni Ahmeti, called His, Met and Bekim Shuti, nicknamed Niku.

Bekim Shuti was the commander of a special KLA unit of 40 members, which was said to have kidnapped our colleague.

– Knezevic was taken to the headquarters in the village of Oshljana where he was tortured and then killed, according to the White Book.

Husni Ahmeti was „part of the group who kidnapped Knezevic on the bridge of Sitnica river in Vucitrn, and who was killed after several days of physical torture“. Met Shuti is also listed as a participant in a criminal offense.

After the arrival of international forces, all three of them moved to the top of the command of the Kosovo Protection Corps. According to the UNS, they were never examined.

Slobodan Milosevic, the former president of Yugoslavia, while cross-examining a Kosovo Albanian witness, before the Hague Tribunal, asked him about the murder of Knezevic.

In search for the source of this information, the UNS addressed the Citizens Association „Freedom“, which was actively involved in the defense of Slobodan Milosevic and who has Defense documentation from The Hague.

However, in their archives, they do not have any information that could indicate what kinds of facts are hidden behind Milosevic’s question. They say „the former president received information from various sources.“

When he disappeared, Ljubomir Knezevic was 60 years old and already had grandchildren. On Djurdjevdan, on May 6, 1999, he went to the family of Laketic, who lived three kilometers from the city center, near the railway station.

He went there also as a reporter. Knezevic left Mr. Laketic house at around 6 pm. He was going on foot. Since then, he was never seen again.

UNMIK police did not even try to talk to Laketic.

– As the last people known to have seen him alive, they could have provided at least information that could help in establishing the route which Mr. Ljubomir Knezevic used when he left their house, thus assisting in determining where his alleged abduction took place and point to other potential witnesses – the UNMIK Human Rights Advisory Panel says.  But, nobody asked.

The UNMIK police annual report for 2000 states that until the end of that year, UNMIK police had full investigative authority in the Mitrovica region.

– The apparent lack of any immediate reaction from UNMIK Police, and of any adequate action at later stages, may have suggested to perpetrators that the authorities where either not able, or were not willing to investigate criminal acts. Such attitude of the authorities towards the gravest crimes in any society, and especially in post-conflict circumstances, inevitably creates a culture of impunity among the criminals and can only lead to a worsening of the situation. The problems, which UNMIK had encountered at the beginning of its mission, do not justify such inaction – is another of the conclusions of the UNMIK Human Rights Advisory Panel.

The EULEX mission, who took over all crime investigations, was for nine years claiming that it had no information about the kidnapping of Mr. Ljubomir Knezevic.

The UNS has come to the information that this case was in the Mitrovica court and presented it to EULEX.

Subsequently, EULEX informed UNS that UNMIK decisions related to the Knezevic case were forwarded to that mission and other competent authorities in 2014 with a request to “take all possible steps to ensure the continuation of the investigation.”

EULEX further explained to the UNS that UNMIK documentation from the investigation „has never been officially handed over to EULEX prosecutors, but only a copy of the opinion of the Advisory Panel“.

In a letter to UNS, EULEX explains that since 2014, due to changes in jurisdiction, new cases have been handed over to the local prosecutor offices.

The case of Ljubomir Knezevic’s kidnapping case is now in the Kosovo Special Prosecutor’s Office. Still, no one has contacted Knezevic family.

The first text of the UNS on investigating the disappearance of „Politika“ journalist Ljubomir Knezevic: „Investigating the disappearance of journalist Ljubomir Knezevic: Intimidated witnesses, dismissed prosecutor and judge“ read HERE.

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