In his draft report on Serbia to the European Parliament, rapporteur David McAllister reiterated concerns over Serbia having not made progress in the area of freedom of media and expression, stressing that threats, violence and intimidation of journalists continue to be a concern.
01. jun 2018.
EC and RWB: media freedom situation in Serbia worrying; IREX: the worst year in memory
Serbia has not made progress in the area of freedom of expression over the past 18 months, according to the recently published European Commission's Report on the EU integration progress of the Western Balkan countries. At the same time, organisation Reporters Without Borders states that Serbia has regressed on freedom of the media, while the report of IREX gave Serbia the lowest rating in its media sustainability index since measuring has started in 2000.
16. apr 2018.
Freedom House: Media freedom and democracy on the decline in Serbia

For the fourth consecutive year, the state of democracy in Serbia has deteriorated – on the issues of media independence, the civil sector, state administration and local government, while power is continuing to be concentrated in the hands of President Aleksandar Vučić, according to the latest Freedom House report on countries in transition.
16. apr 2018.
Government pressure on local media via inspection controls
One of the most highly-reputed and well-read local media outlets in Serbia, portal Južne vesti (Southern News), based in the southeast Serbian city of Niš, has been subjected to monitoring by two parallel inspections for the past several months, on the basis of “anonymous reports”.
21. apr 2017.
Srbija se našla na pozivnici za izveštaj o slobodi medija u svetu
Godišnji izveštaj o slobodi medija u svetu (Freedom of the Press) koji svake godine objavljuje američka nevladina organizacija "Freedom house" biće predstavljen u petak, 28. aprila.