Ruska propaganda ima snažan uticaj na mnoge delove društva u Srbiji. U isto vreme, ima i u toj zemlji pozitivnih pomaka, kaže za DW izvršni direktor Reportera bez granica Kristijan Mir.
Pritisci i napadi
04. nov 2021.
Kristijan Mir izrazio solidarnost Reportera bez granica sa Milanom Jovanovićem i preneo mu njihovu podršku
Pritisci i napadi
21. nov 2018.
Kristijan Mir: Vučić ima problem sa nezavisnim medijima
18. feb 2015.
Serbian Authorities Smother Criticism
It is quite clear that the authorities in Serbia have a very negative attitude towards freedom of the press, as well as that there are numerous examples of censorship and self-censorship in the media, says Christian Mihr, Executive Director of Reporters Without Borders, one of the authors of research on the state of media freedom…